Stop A Break Up - Three Secrets That Will Make You Irresistible

As obvious as it sounds, the time to stop a break up is before it happens. No one wants to read a text message or receive a letter which tells them good bye in a less than personal manner. Because it happened to me, too, I will do anything to prevent it happening again by learning what a relationship should be all about.

The simple truth is that a good relationship requires work and showing your lover love and respect. It's about making time for them no matter how busy you are. When we forget to do this and our partner feels neglected it can spell trouble for your relationship.

You need to be aware if you haven't been putting your partner first and do something about it. Show him or her how important they are to you. You need not spend money to do so, as thoughtful gestures cost nothing. Surprise them by offering to do things you know they love to do. Clean out their car or bring them breakfast in bed. Tell your partner that you love them and spend some quality time together.

Sometimes couples don't really make an effort to communicate with each other. Conversations can become strained and it's like living with a stranger. Make an effort to compliment your lover and show appreciation verbally for all the things they do. If they turn to someone else who shows them appreciation and you realize you have not been doing so, you shouldn't be surprised.

Three keys to success in a relationship:

  • The aforementioned thoughtful gestures, combined with kisses and hugs and the words "I love you" go far in cementing a great relationship.

  • Showing respect is a little more difficult. For example, watching tv when she is trying to talk to you or laughing at him with your friends may not seem like much but is really sending the wrong message.Ask yourself if you ever forget your anniversary, or their birthday.

  • Consideration takes some time and planning to demonstrate and it can be difficult to find the time these days as busy as we all seem to be. But part of being a couple means you need to find that time even if you have to get up earlier. Always be sensitive to their needs and be looking for ways in which you can make life a little easier for them.

One more thing - don't be a doormat in your desire to please. Arguments are bound to happen but neither partner should ever use physical or verbal abuse. Do not tolerate it, and let your partner know that right away. Teach yourself to calm down and actually listen to their side in an argument. Avoid bringing up the past and focus on what is causing the current problem and how to resolve it. And making up is the best part, as happy lovers well know.

So if you want to stop a break up in it's tracks, put these tips to use and always put your partner first and foremost.

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